- Davydenko has been under scrutiny since playing Argentinian Martin Vassallo Arguello, then ranked 87 in the world, in a match that sparked a worldwide betting scandal.
在一場引起世界賭球醜聞的比賽中,達維登科與世界排名第87位的阿根廷人馬丁。安古洛對陣。從那時起他就被圍攻。 - In August, online betting exchange Betfair voided the market on Nikolay Davydenko's match with Martin Vassallo at the Poland Open because of concerns over unusual betting activity.
穆雷賽後接受採訪時說。如果穆雷能夠在本次梅斯賽上奪冠,竝在馬德裡或者巴黎大師賽其中一站折桂的話,他同樣有很大的希望首次進軍年終縂決賽。 返回 Vassallo